Sunday, January 2, 2011

A New Year

The choir met this morning to discuss the new year's schedule and goals. I'm more or less bound by the new schedule, but I'm expanding on the goals.

Last year we had 25 minutes to rehearse each Sunday. And most of the choir members were ten minutes late or more, which didn't give us an opportunity to really shine as I believe we can. This year we're dedicating 50 minutes to choir and I'm ecstatic!! (I just wish we were meeting later in the day so my pre-noon brain fog could clear.) With 50 minutes of rehearsal time, and with renewed vigor, enthusiasm and commitment to promptness, I believe our little choir will make huge steps forward.

I asked what type of music members of the choir would prefer to do in 2011. Many said they want to stick to hymns. Most of our choir members don't sight read and so hymns are the easy choice.  While it is true that the First Presidency has encouraged us to use hymns in choral singing, but I personally don't see a whole lot of difference between the congregation singing a hymn and a few members stepping up from the congregation to sing a hymn. Therefore, hymn singing will be kept to a minimum. Like.....maybe once.

So this year your loyal, humble choir director is going to work it. I hope to present music that will present enough of a challenge to keep you on your toes, but not so hard that you become discouraged. I hope to teach more vocal training, sight reading, music interpretation and such. I'll even come to your home and work with you one-on-one if you prefer.

As far back as I can remember, I've had musical ability. Maybe it's in my genes -- my great-grandmother and my grandfather were both very musical. Maybe I was a little pre-mortal angel who sang in heavenly choirs. All I know is it's a blessing that comes naturally to me, and the more I work at it, the more blessed I have become. But what good is it if I can't impart my knowledge to the people I serve as choir director?  Our talents are meant to share,  not hide under a bushel.

So I hope my little choir will come along with me, accept what I have to offer, give me their full commitment and capture the vision I have for 2011.

I'm expecting a great year!

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