Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Mini Mo-Tabs

So today my brave little choir went boldly where they had never gone before with an old Mo-Tab Special (Mormon Tabernacle Choir, that is):  "Let The Mountains Shout For Joy."  It's not an easy piece.  There are countering lines, vocal runs and lots of high notes for all parts.  There are 16th notes to sing, which is never easy to do well.  Key changes, tempo changes.  The lyrics are oddly placed.  There are rests in spots where your voice is just getting settled in and comfy. But it's FUN!  Well, at least I think it is.  A challenge worth attempting.

I did ask everyone last week if they wanted an easy out at the last minute -- it wasn't too late to switch the song to something different.  But, no, they said let's brave on.

Rehearsal today went excellent.  I had five people in their seats by 8 o'clock, my pianist was there one minute later (although stressed and shaking his head about this song).  Pretty much everybody else was in their seat by quarter after, which by Mormon Standard Time, is doing quite well. 

After working out the rough spots and helping with some of the runs and timing, by 8:35 we sounded doggone great.  I was very impressed with everyone! 

If we could only have been the opening song rather than the middle of the program, though.  At 9 o'clock, everyone had the hard parts fresh in their minds, they were pumped up and their voices were primed.  But by 9:45, we lost some of that momentum and there were some pretty bald spots in the performance.

Still, I can't be harsh or say they did poorly by any means.  I give them kudos just for the fact that they didn't pull a mutiny on me for even presenting the piece, let alone pursue it when they had the chance to bail.

Five million points for bravery and perseverance! Gold stars for all!  My little choir wins again!